2022-23 Cohort

Kimberly Vasquez

My name is Kimberly and I am a Senior Undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering.  I selected engineering because it allows me to be creative while exploring innovative ideas that may one day benefit mankind! I'd like to think that I may one day be a part of something that leaves a lasting impression on this world or the next! I hope that participating in ROLE will give me experience in a research-based environment, as well as network with other students in similar fields. I think it will be a great learning opportunity for me and set me a little out of my comfort zone, which is always a good way to grow as an individual. I am very excited to participate and see the outcome of this project!

Naiqui Armenariz

Hello! I’m Naiqui Armendariz, I’m doing double mayor in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. I’m part of the ROLE program, and part of the APM program where I do scientific research. I’m also part of the E3 program where I’m getting my solid works certification. I’m this year representative of SHPEtinas, that is part of the Society of Hispanic Engineers Professionals, and The SHPEtinas program that accelerates and affirms Latina representation at all levels of STEM corporate and academic leadership.

The main reason I choose engineering is because I believe I would be able to help a lot of people if I have the right preparation to create solutions. Now that I would be participating in the ROLE program, what I look forward is to learn as much as possible, because I know that opportunities like this are not given every day. This will help me to comprehend more about my career and technology.

I have many goals in life but the most important one is to be the best version of myself, I believe that would reflect in all areas of my life: family, friends and career wise. I aspire to become a great scientist and maybe someday an astronaut. I believe that being smart is not about just getting good grades or feeling smart or even other’s perception of you; being smart is making smart decisions and working hard. I also believe that my motto in life is “who does not live to serve, does not serve to live”.

One of the biggest accomplishments in my life was having the opportunity to participate in an experiment that went into the International Space Station. Another one big accomplishment is to come to study to the New Mexico State University, even though I haven’t finish my degree yet, for someone like me, that comes from a lot of life difficulties, the opportunity of been here is a dream that come true.

Bethany Chacon

Hello! My name is Bethany Chacon. I am currently a junior at New Mexico State University. I am majoring in Criminal Justice with a minor in Mechanical Engineering. Quite opposite sides of the spectrum, but I find it so much more interesting to be multi-disciplinary. I selected a minor in Mechanical Engineering because I look at the world through a curious and analytical lens. My desired career in engineering would be working with aviation. I look forward to participating in ROLE because any experience is a good experience. I want to better my teamwork skills as well as see how many disciplines of engineers can work together to create a better future.

Eduardo Padilla

My name is Eduardo Padilla and I’m currently a junior, dual majoring in Mechanical and Aerospace. I selected Engineering because I’ve always admired how advanced the human race has become. I would like to apply my skills and knowledge through engineering in order to pioneer towards a better future. ROLE has given me an amazing opportunity to work with autonomous drones/systems, as I expect in the future they will be common amongst our society. I would like to learn the foundations on how to fully program and operate autonomous systems, as the application’s towards society are unlimited.

Adrian Gomez

My name is Adrian Gomez and I am pursuing my bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. I chose to pursue a career in this major for the righteous intention of positively impacting the lives of individuals and creating a brighter future for many generations to come. By participating in ROLE, I look forward to learning the knowledge and experience through research in hopes to find the strong foundation needed for my future endeavors. Thank you for this great opportunity and GO AGGIES!

Alicia Gonzales

Hi, I am Alicia Gonzales is from Los Alamos, New Mexico and graduated from Los Alamos High School.  Alicia is currently a junior at New Mexico State University, where she is studying civil engineering with a focus in environmental engineering. Alicia attended New Mexico Highlands University her freshman year where she had the opportunity to play softball for the Highlands Softball Team. She transferred to New Mexico State University her sophomore year.

Alicia is the current President of the American Society of Civil Engineers, a member of Chi Epsilon and is always eager to learn, be involved in new things, and willing to volunteer when needed.

Alicia has been an intern at Los Alamos National Laboratory since her junior year of high school and has continued to be an intern for the past four years during summer and winter break. She has learned many skill sets throughout her internship. This includes conducting research for her mentors, working in the lab to learn about literature searches, conductivity measurements and building fuel cells. This summer Alicia gave a presentation at the student symposium with her work on the comparison of gas diffusion electrodes in an operating fuel cell stack.

Alicia selected engineering because she has always been interested in working with her hands and being able to create something she can call her own. She does her best to be as diverse and knowledgeable as she can. As a woman engineer, she hopes to give back to society by creating a better environment. Alicia would like to be a role model for other young girls wanting to be involved in STEM related fields. Upon completion of her undergraduate studies, Alicia intends to apply to graduate school to further her knowledge as an engineer and progress toward a steady career.

Alicia is looking forward to being involved in ROLE and working on an engineering project because of the many opportunities to learn and enhance her skills in areas such as coding, conducting research, interacting with other engineering students, the opportunity to compete in an annual competition, and attend professional development workshops.  She is very grateful for the opportunity to represent her ethnicity, gender, and apply what she has learned with her engineering major through the ROLE program and work under the National Science Foundation.