2023 - 2024 Cohort

Rafael Calleros-Delagado (Senior- MAE)

I chose to pursue a career in Mechanical Engineering because of my desire to contribute to the creation of new and innovative technologies that can help build a better society. Ever since I was a kid, I've always been extremely curious about how things work and how they could be improved. When I discovered engineering, I knew it was the right path for me because it offers a unique blend of being creative while maintaining practicality. I applied to the ROLE program because I believe that autonomous systems are a very exciting and growing field, and with my passion for robotics, it only makes sense to take this path in my career going forward.

Jesus Martinez (Senior - ECE)

I'm pursuing a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering. The decision to study engineering was influenced by a combination of factors, but mainly by my dad who is also an Electrical Engineer. I've always been fascinated by how things work, whether it's the inner workings of a computer or the design of electronics. As for my participation in ROLE, I'm excited about the opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills. Engineering is a constantly evolving field, and I look forward to expanding my knowledge.

Karen Ramirez (Senior- MAE)

I study Mechanical Engineering. I selected Engineering because it encompasses my love for education and also opens the door for space exploration and ideating new things, which is something I am passionate about. I want to learn more about what research involves and participate in it.

Sebastian Rubio-Olivas (Junior - MAE)

I am from Espanola, New Mexico. I am 21 years old and it is my 4th year as an Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering major. I selected engineering as my major to make a contribution to society and modernize Aerospace Engineering. While participating in ROLE I look forward to gaining knowledge in programming and avionics.

Cesar Alan Gonzalez Gonzalez (Senior- MAE)

I'm 23 years old and I have two younger sisters. I am the first one in my family to pursue a college degree. I am currently studying aerospace engineering and I chose it because I've always been interested in outer space. I look forward to learning more about coding and programming, as well as meeting new people and making connections with peers to work together and help each other achieve great things for our future careers.

Samuel Sepulveda (Senior - MAE) 

My name is Samuel Sepulveda Calvillo, I am a senior majoring in Aerospace and mechanical engineering. I had planned to study this because since I was a kid, I found it fascinating how planes can fly, and I wanted to know in more detail. What I expected as a member of the ROLE was to have an excuse to learn a little more of code because I started to have more interest in coding and maybe coding doesn’t have a close relationship to my major, but I might get something interesting out of this.

Pamela Hernandez Villalba (Junior - ECE)

I am from Lincoln, Nebraska. I am currently an electrical engineering major. Since I was little, I thought building machines, and robots, and working on projects was fun. I liked working with my dad on his cars and home projects and that is where my interest sparked. I look forward to learning more about control systems while participating in ROLE. My hobbies include riding horses and the fine arts.

Angel Juliette Chavez (Junior - MAE)

I am a junior pursuing a career in mechanical engineering technology. During high school, I took programming courses as part of my school program. Although I enjoyed it, I wanted to pursue a career where I could design and build based on my preferences That is why I decided to pursue mechanical engineering. During my participation in the ROLE program, I hope to improve my research skills. I also look forward to creating connections and working with a team to improve my skills. I am excited to work within the program and appreciate the opportunity provided by the team.

Sheyla Miramontes (Senior - ECE)

I am currently pursuing a major in electrical engineering with a minor in astronomy. I chose to study engineering because I was drawn to its dynamic and ever-evolving nature. Engineering offers a wide range of career opportunities and the chance to gain a broad base of knowledge that can be applied to various fields. Overall, I am enthusiastic about the opportunities that the ROLE program will provide for me to further develop my engineering skills, develop a community with fellow engineering students, and integrate the theoretical knowledge I have gained into real-life applications.